{Not} Focus on the Outcome {Part 3}

14 August 2014

+  +  +  This is a continuation from {Part 1} and {Part 2}  +  +  +


Moderation means, "restraint, avoidance of extremes or excesses, temperance".

I {sometimes} get these crazy ideas in my head that I have to run in the morning, walk in the afternoon, and then crossfit in the evenings... I make plans to run 5 miles a day.  I make plans to do 10 unbroken pull ups {when I can't even do one}.  I make plans, plans, plans... and then guess what I do?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!

I get completely overwhelmed by my plans that I end up doing NOTHING!!!  Ya'll this is bad!  This is not moderation.  This is not healthy living.  

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm {a crazy girl} regarding these issues.  But I am so thankful that God is showing me to be moderate with my exercise.  He's showing me that I am not a fitness competitor; I am Amy.  He is helping me get a healthy perspective on exercise.  Instead of making plans to do {3-a-day workouts} I will simply focus on my running plan.  I would love to go to Crossfit and be a {success story} someday - but right now I am not ready.  Right now, I am learning moderation.  Right now, I am learning obedience.  Right now, all I can do is focus on my running plan and let that be enough.  I will learn to exercise not too much and not too little...

