{Not} Focus on the Outcome {Part 4}

18 August 2014

+ + + This is a continuation of {Part 1} {Part 2} and {Part 3} + + +

So, what does all of this mean? 

It means I live each day in contentment.  {Regardless of the Outcome}

It means I live with boundaries.  {Regardless of the Outcome}

It means I eat real food - but I don't overeat.  {Regardless of the Outcome}

It means I exercise - but I don't overexercise. {Regardless of the Outcome} 

It means I surrender my plans.  {Regardless of the Outcome}

It means I give up preconceived ideas of what I should look like.  {Regardless of the Outcome}

It means I obey.  {Regardless of the Outcome}

It means I release my grip.  {Regardless of the Outcome}

It means I let God take care of it.  {Regardless of the Outcome}
