{Not} Focus on the Outcome (Part 2}

11 August 2014

+  +  +  This is a continuation from {Part 1}  +  +  +


Moderation means, "restraint, avoidance of extremes or excesses, temperance".

Moderation with Food - For years my doctor has asked me to follow the Weight Watcher program.  He has encouraged me to follow it because of it's moderation, it's ease, and it's sense of sustainability.  I have ground my feet into the dirt with resistance because it didn't offer {quick results}.  It didn't give me the immediate gratification I was looking for.  It didn't cure my problem {overnight}.  You see, I have resisted; I have refused; I have tried to chart my own course, yet I have not changed.

The Lord is showing me that I need to learn moderation with my food.  I don't know what moderation looks like so I am going to use a Weight Watcher App to help me figure out when "enough is enough".  I will learn to take each day {as it comes} and log what I am consuming.  I am no longer going to lie to myself.  I will log EVERYTHING that I consume.  I will use this App to learn healthy boundaries and to live in moderation.  I will learn to eat not too much and not too little...

