Song of Solomon 2:16-3:11

05 March 2019

[2:16-3:11] Verse 16 is the most intimate statement in Song of Solomon.  When Solomon says, “My lover is mine, and I am his. He browses among the lilies.”  This is a personal relationship.  Everything Christ has is ours, as believers in Christ.  Everything that is ours, as believers, belongs to Christ.  We are one in Christ.  We belong to Him and He belongs to us!  This is intimacy!    The Shulamite is comforted in the night because the King is protecting her.  She longs for him to return from the rugged mountains. 

The King had gone away, and the Shulamite longed for him.  The King was doing business and the Shulamite is missing and wanting to be with him.   The Shulamite starts looking for the King because she “yearned for her lover.”  She searched for the one she loved but did not find him.  In verse 4 she, “…caught and held him tightly, then I brought him to my mother’s house…”  She held him tightly. 

The young women in Jerusalem wonder who is sweeping in from the wilderness; it is Solomon.  They see Solomon surrounded by palace guards who are there to protect him.  They all have swords on their thighs.  This is a picture of believers carrying the Word of God.  Solomon rides in his beautiful carriage made of wood, silver, gold, purple cushions, and love.  Verse 11 says, “…He wears the crown his mother gave him on his wedding day, his most joyous day.”  This a picture of beauty and love.  
