Song of Solomon 2:12-15

04 March 2019

[2:12-15] A time of growth is happening.  The flowers are springing up and the birds are singing.  The turtledoves are singing which is a picture of peace.  The fig tree speaks of Israel.  It is spring and the grapevines are blossoming.  The bridegroom says to the bride, “Rise up, my darling! Come away with me, my fair one!”

The dove, or the bride, is hiding in the cleft of the rock.  Christ is a symbol of the cleft of the rock.  The bride can hide and find protection in Christ.  The groom calls to the bride because he wants to see her lovely face and hear her pleasant voice. 

The little foxes were sneaking through the fences and destroying the grapevines.  The foxes are the little sins that sneak in and destroy our relationship and testimony.  There are a couple of types of sins: The sin of omission – the things we should do and don’t do.  The sin of commission – the things we do and shouldn’t do.   
