Song of Solomon 4:1-5:5

07 March 2019

[4:1-5:5] Song of Solomon, chapter four, expresses Solomon’s love for the Shulamite bride.  She has been taken into the Kings home and is lavished with inexpressible love.  This is also a picture of the love of Christ Jesus for the Church [believers in Jesus Christ]. 

Song of Solomon 4:1, “You are beautiful, my darling, beautiful beyond words.  Your eyes are like doves behind your veil.  Your hair falls in waves, like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead.”  The bridegroom is holding his bride in his arms and expressing the deep love that he has for his bride.  This is a beautiful picture of sexual intimacy in marriage; a wonderful picture of laying oneself bare before the other: vulnerable, secure, and joyous.  

Christian marriage is special because it is a spiritual union.  We see in verse 9 & 10, “You have captured my heart, my treasure, my bride.  You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes, with a single jewel of your necklace.  Your love delights me, my treasure, my bride.  Your love is better than wine, your perfume more fragrant than spices.”  This type of admiration causes the Shulamite bride to respond to Solomon with unabandoned passion.  She says in verse 16, “Awake, north wind! Rise up, south wind! Blow on my garden and spread its fragrance all around.  Come into your garden, my lover; taste its finest fruits.”

In chapter 5 Solomon then responds to the Bride.  He says in verse 1a, “I have entered my garden, my treasure, my bride!  I gather myrrh with my spices and eat honeycomb with my honey.  I drink wine with my milk.”  Verse 1b, “Oh, lover and beloved, eat and drink!  Yes, drink deeply of your love!”  God wants married couples to enjoy one other’s presence.   The sweetness of the bridegroom’s presence was significant and exciting to the Shulamite and in response, she was willing to open her bedroom door for her lover.  
