7 {Beautiful} Miles

13 September 2014

Today was a {BIG} day!!!  Do you notice anything wonderful on the picture above?!?!?!?   
Yes, you read that right... I ran 7  miles today.  Woot! Woot! Woot!

My 2014 Running Plan is moving along nicely.  I have started getting into {what I would consider} the LONG RUNS!!!  Anything over a 10k is long {in my book}.  Hahahaha

Anyway, I am really proud of these 7 miles.  It is the farthest I have ever run in my entire life.  I am just completely blown away by what God is doing in my life and how He is using this thing {called running} to help transform me.

A couple of weeks ago I was discouraged.  I put a call into Ruthanne because I was getting bogged down by my training plan.  I was finding that as my runs got longer, I was not able to run the entire distances without stopping.  

Ruthanne asked me a good question that day, "Do you really care if you run the entire 1/2 Marathon?"  I decided that it really didn't matter if I ran the entire thing or if I ran/walked.  So, with Ruthanne's encouragement & game plan I have been running/walking.  I run 2 minutes and then walk 2 minutes.  

A year ago I would have been so upset with myself - but not today.  Today, I am thrilled.  Today, I am encouraged.  Today, I am looking forward to running & walking this 1/2 Marathon with MODERATION and CONTENTMENT.

My word{s} of the year!!!
