Song of Solomon 1:7-13

26 February 2019

[1:7-13] The Shulamite wondered where Solomon was going to rest his sheep at noon.  He encouraged his bride to follow the trail of his flock and to graze her goats by his tent. Solomon compares the Shulamite to Pharaoh’s horses and finds her very exciting.  He is impressed by her beauty.  Solomon wanted to cover her ears and neck with jewelry.  When Christ calls sinners to himself they have nothing to offer Christ.  Christ wants to lavish them with His love and goodness.  He provides for sinner’s salvation. 

Solomon is lying on his couch and is captivated by the Shulamite’s perfume.  The Shulamite says in verse 13, “My lover is like a sachet of myrrh lying between my breast.”  The sachet of myrrh is a picture of Christ.  He should be ever before the believer in his heart and mind.  Christ should be close to the believer day and night.
