Song of Solomon 1:14-17

27 February 2019

[1:14-17] The Shulamite speaks of Solomon in Song of Solomon 1:14a, “He is like a bouquet of sweet henna blossoms…”  Henna blossoms are white and yellow in color.  They grow in beautiful clusters of sweet-smelling flowers.  En-gedi is an oasis in the dessert.  A picture of security, rest, and delight.  Satisfaction can be found in the groom [Jesus Christ].  He is the All-in-All.

Solomon found the Shulamite to be a beautiful woman with eyes like doves.  As soon as the groom compliments the bride, the bride compliments the husband.  She tells the groom how handsome he is in verse 16, “You are handsome, my love, pleasing beyond words!”  The soft grass as their bed is a picture of the banquet couch at the marriage feast.  A beautiful couch covered with lovely décor of fresh flowers and wonderful smells.  The banquet couch is a picture of intimacy and rest between a bride and groom.  
