Ecclesiastes 9:15-10:10

15 February 2019

[9:15-10:10] Solomon gives his personal thought on wisdom and folly.  He begins in verse 15 saying, “A poor, wise man knew how to save the town, and so it was rescued.  But afterward no one thought to thank him.”  Jesus Christ is an example of wisdom.  Even though no one thought to thank him, Jesus Christ will prevail.  Jesus Christ is our example of wisdom and verse 18 says, “Better to have wisdom than weapons of war, but one sinner can destroy much that is good.”  Whether we realize it or not, our lives have an impact on the world around us.  We must ask ourselves, “Where am I leading those who are watching and following?”  There is a great impact on the world whenever we sin; no matter how great our influence.  Once we choose to sin it is very difficult to recover from that choice.  Ecclesiastes 10:1 says, “As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honor.” 

We live in a world that has turned topsy turvy.  What mankind used to reverence and promote is now seen as outdated and lame.  Solomon says in verse 7 of chapter 10, “I have seen servants riding horseback like princes – and princes walking like servants!”  It seems that our world gives prestige and dignity to sin; promoting the sinner to a position of prominence and position. It may feel like the sinner is getting ahead, according to the world's point of view, but the truth always prevails.  Ecclesiastes 10:9 states, “When you work in a quarry, stones might fall and crush you.  When you chop wood, there is a danger with each stroke of your ax.”  Solomon is essentially saying, “What you sow you will reap.”  It is important to have wisdom.  Wisdom will help you to succeed.  
