16 February 2019

I am already 21 weeks pregnant and it is still hard for me to comprehend; most days I spend perplexed by this reality.  Jeremiah and I have spent 15 years of marriage praying and wondering if God would allow us to be parents, on this earth.  God took me through a season of healing that allowed me to understand my greater need for prayer and dependence upon Him.  He taught me to Pour Out My Heart Before Him and this has led me into a deeper, more abiding relationship with Jesus.

On Sunday, Jeremiah made his way into our attic.  He handed me piece after piece of what would soon be Our Little Miracle's baby bed.  I wasn't expecting the flood of emotions that would grip my heart each time he lowered a piece into my hands.  You see, my dad built this baby bed for us about 10 years ago whenever we thought we would be adopting a baby.  Whenever an adoption never transpired, the crib made its way into our attic where it has laid since it was placed there.

As Jeremiah began re-assembling our baby bed I was overcome with the way God can re-create beauty from ashes.  God can take the broken and shattered pieces of our heart and turn them into something beautiful.  The baby bed isn't as shiny and new as it was 10 years ago.  It has a few chips and places where the paint is already missing, even before our Lydia Beth arrives.  But it's absolutely perfect!  It's just the way that God intended it to be.  It's a picture of what God has done in our lives.  He has taken what we have stored, in the secret place of our hearts, and allowed us to re-assemble it so it can be used for His glory and purpose.  What a miracle worker is God our Savior!
