[9:1-12] Solomon is speaking of life apart from God and these are the results of living for self. Solomon concludes that death comes to all. Solomon looks at life from mankind’s point of view, apart from God. He feels that life is futile and doesn’t represent God’s design for creation. Solomon’s thoughts take a pessimistic approach to life.
Solomon is clueless as to whether God would show mankind favor. He felt that there was an ultimate destiny that awaited everyone…death and futility. Solomon’s worldly view did not represent God’s view. Solomon felt as if mankind was a victim of this life. We see in verse 3, “It seems so wrong that everyone under the sun suffers the same fate… for there is no hope. There is nothing ahead but death anyway.” Because he thought life was purposeless, he encouraged mankind in Ecclesiastes 9:7, “So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this!” Solomon belief that life is purposeless, futile, hopeless, and fatalistic lead to his encouraging a humanistic approach to life: encouraging mankind to do whatever “feels good.”