[4:8-13] Paul encourages the believers to think about things that are: true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. These are virtues the world does not accept. Whenever believers contemplate worldly virtues, they miss out on the power of Christ in their lives. Believers in Jesus Christ must spend their time thinking on these things. The power of these virtues is found in the Word of God. Truth is discerned through spending time in God’s word. Believers must contemplate how much time they give to the Word of God! Ignorance of the Word of God creates weakness in believers’ lives, while spiritual growth is a natural result of spending time with Christ through His written word.
Paul encourages them to keep practicing what they have learned and received from Christ and they will receive peace.
Paul thanks the Philippian church for their generosity and concern. Paul had learned how to be content with whatever he had. He knew what it was like to live in poverty or with plenty. Paul knew that through Christ he would be able to do anything.