Philippians 4:6-7

30 January 2019

[4:6-7] God cares about our worries and fears.  He desires that we would bring everything to Him through prayer.  Prayer is the foundation of power that enables transformation in our lives.  Philippians 4:6 says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything…” 

J. Vernon McGee said the following: “I wish I could say to you that I am as free as the birds in the trees, free as the bees that gather honey.  That’s the way He wants us to be.  The birds don’t worry about whether they’re going to eat, and that flower that is so beautiful doesn’t spend any time worrying about being beautiful.  It just is!”

Pray with thanksgiving.  Go to God immediately and thank God immediately [before the prayer is answered].  God always answers prayer.  It may not be what we expect or want, but God always answers prayers.  Prayer brings peace to a believer’s life.  God’s peace is without understanding.  He enables the believer to have a guarded heart and mind as they live in Christ Jesus.  
