Galatians 6:11-18

19 July 2018

[6:11-18] Paul ends the letter to the Galatians writing in his own handwriting.  He writes in his own handwriting because he wants them to know [without a doubt] that these words are coming from him.  He gives them a warning against legalism.  He talks to them about circumcision and how those who preach circumcision are just trying to look good and boast about their life.

Paul declares that he doesn’t want to boast about anything other than Jesus.  He says that because of the cross his interest in this world has died and he doesn’t care about the world's interest in him.  He reiterates that it doesn’t matter if they have been circumcised, what matters is whether they have been transformed into a new creation.  He asks for God’s peace and mercy to be upon them as they live by these principles.  He states that he is not troubled by legalistic circumcision he bares different markings on his body that prove he is a follower of Jesus Christ [probably the markings he received from the persecution he endured].  He again asks that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with them in spirit. 
