Journey Through Infertility

11 October 2014

About 5 years ago I had a unique opportunity to speak at my church. I was asked to speak at a ladies conference and to speak {specifically} on the subject of {Thankfulness}. I don't remember the exact date {I am thinking it was somewhere around 2009}. BTW - I have a horrible memory when it comes to dates. Hahaha.  My sister in law can tell you the date she and her husband kissed for the first time. Hahaha. I can't even remember what day it is!!!

Anyway, I was thinking about that ladies conference and that unique time in my life. I was in the {thick} of infertility and miscarriage. I was hurting deeply and finding God {all-sufficient}. I periodically get the CD out of the desk drawer and listen to it. Today, I felt like I should put it on my blog. It's been so many years ago, we've been through so many things between then and now. But {for whatever reason} I am posting it on my blog for the first time.

If anyone reading this is hurting deeply because of infertility or any other deep pain {PLEASE TAKE 20 MINUTES TO LISTEN TO THIS}. This is proof that we have an all-sufficient God. {He takes us deeper} than we ever wanted to go. And {He holds us up} when we cannot stand on our own.

If you need someone to pray for you {I will}.
