Myrtle Beach Here We Come

16 October 2014

Well, the time has finally come for my first 1/2 marathon.  Do I feel ready?  Absolutely not!!!

I've trained...  I've hit some barriers... I've pressed on... I've had to rest injuries...  I've picked up where I left off... We will just have to see what happens next!

So, obviously there will be no record breaking times - but this is a great opportunity to try something new. To venture out and defeat the notion that I could never go 13.1 miles.  

My plan is to walk/run using 2 minute intervals. I am hoping that this will help me keep the endurance I will need for the last several miles.  My sciatic nerve has been bothering me (so I haven't gotten all my long runs in the last two weeks) - so my goal is sub 14 min/mile. 

Isn't that slow?  Yes it is. 

Would that pace have bothered you a year ago?  Absolutely

Do you like running slow?  No, I'd like to be faster than a snail - but this is where I am today.

Will you be faster next year?  Hopefully, but maybe not. 

Why do you even try?  Because I can. I don't have to wait for that perfect day. I don't have to wait until I'm skinny. I don't have to wait until I can run a 10 min. mile!

I'm finally free. I'm free to be myself. I'm free to be the {Amy} that I was designed to be!!!  

I love that God is changing me. He's making me love Him and in doing so I'm learning to love myself. 
