{Not} Focus on the Outcome {Part 1}

07 August 2014

If you haven't figured it out by now... I have some pretty {messed up} views of my self-image and {used to be} self-worth.  I have tried {for years} to combat these views with scripture and re-train my mind to focus on the truths found in God's word.

Sometimes {this morning being one them} I find it hard to believe these truths.  A couple of weeks ago God pointed some important things out to me during my time with Him.  I sat down and made a list of all the things that clutter my mind {on a daily/regular basis}.


Well, I was kinda shocked when my list was finished because most of it had to do with my image, my appearance, my body, etc.  You would think that a girl that has been over-weight {her entire life} wouldn't care about her body.  Wouldn't focus on her diet.  Wouldn't care about her appearance... WRONG!!!!  

This {obsession} has lasted too long and I am fearful that it is something I will be combating for years to come.  I am ready to give it up, guys.  I am ready to {live this life} and stop trying to conquer this demon on my own.  No, I am not talking about seeing a dietitian, hiring a personal trainer, or even running a million miles.  I am simply talking about walking in obedience.  I am talking about living this life in daily obedience to the Lord and {NOT} focusing on the outcome.

That last phrase, {NOT} focusing on the outcome, almost makes me sick.  {Not} focusing on the outcome makes me have to release control.  {Not} focusing on the outcome makes my stomach hurt.  {Not} focusing on the outcome means that I am no longer calling the shots.  It's hard to explain, but even though I have done a lousy job controlling my weight {it's been my job} since the 5th grade.  It's been mine to control since I started my very first diet at the age of 12 !!!

{Not} focusing on the outcome means I release total control to the Lord.  
{Not} focusing on the outcome means I obey whether or not it benefits me physically...

