Fear the Lord

26 June 2014

I went to bed crying last night...  

I explained to Jeremiah how I had spent the entire month of June focusing on my appearance.  I had set some pretty {unrealistic goals} for the summer.  Now, as we end the month of June, I am discouraged.  I am discouraged that I don't look any different.  I am discouraged that I don't weigh {much} different.  I am discouraged that I am a failure.  

Yesterday, the Lord got my attention...  

He reminded me of when I was in the 6th grade.  I remembered back to middle school.  I was the fattest kid in my class.  He reminded me of a special evening when I opened my Bible and met with Him.  I read Proverbs 31:30 for the first time.  It captured my attention.  It grabbed my heart.  

THIS VERSE would be my life verse.  THIS VERSE would be my aim.  THIS VERSE would reveal who I am.

 {Designs By Wallace}

Last night, He lovingly reminded me of that intimate encounter I had with Him, over 20 years ago!

THIS VERSE would help me focus on the right things, the lasting things, the fulfilling things.  I made a commitment to the Lord {in the sixth grade} that He would be the one that I fear {not man}.  That He would be the one I reverence {not this world}.  That He would be my focus {not myself}.  
