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{Art print by Megan Gilger.} |
This book is like no other!
I bet you've read that before. I am sure that many books have the
same claim. Well, this book truly is “like no other.”
This book began 14 years ago whenever I was a junior at the
University of Arkansas. No, I have not been writing this book for 14
God gave me the layout for this book while I was riding
the transit from the University Baptist Church parking lot to the
Interior Design Building on U of A campus. I grabbed an ink pen and
jotted down the complete outline: chapter titles, chapter
breakdowns, and some passage references before I made it to my stop. I obediently wrote 8 chapters that semester and then the book went
into the desk drawer.
14 years later, God has brought it back to my attention. He's asking
me to complete the work that He gave me to do - so many years ago:
***This was written 14 years ago - while I was a student at the U of A***
As my best friend Becky and I left our college Bible study I began to tell her what the Lord had been talking to me about {previously that day}. We sat in an empty parking lot for an hour as tears streamed down my face.
“I don't have time for this... I don't know enough scripture... All I have is life experience, Becky, and I am very young.” These words were repeated numerous times that evening, as I shared with her the vision that God had given me for this book. In doing so, I was becoming more and more aware of my inadequacy to “pull this of.”
But, having the spiritual gift of faith, my Savior reassured me, He would take care of everything. Something deep within my soul told me that I was inadequate, but that was all the more reason for me to obey. It's funny how all of our lives we are told that God wants to use the weak and lowly vessel. It has never been so real to me until this very moment.
So, If as you read this book you are thinking, “How juvenile, she's just a young country girl that doesn't have any knowledge at all” or “She needs to improve her writing ability” that's okay... I agree.
I am very young and I don't claim to have the knowledge of my spiritual mentors or the writing ability of Mr. Lucado. But, I do have a relationship with Jesus. And I have learned in my very young 21 years of existence, that He is a personal God. And He is shaping me into a better person because of that.
Please don't give up on me. I am praying for you now and I don't believe anything happens by chance. If you picked up this book and something told you to read more... Please do so. It may have been the Holy Spirit and He may want you to hear my story.
words were written more than 14 years ago. It's funny how I read
them now and I feel the very same way. I am still just the same Amy.
I am now Amy Keck (instead of Kennedy) but I am still just the same
little girl that God wants to use. The same person that He is taking
on a journey towards intimacy with Him.
Life has happened, Love has
come, Challenges have risen, but one thing has never changed {even in
the past 14 years} His love has remained faithful.
If you've never made
Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, I pray you do so before you
finish this book. If you have already surrendered your life to
Jesus, it is my prayer that you will come to know this LOVE in a more
intimate way!