2014 Here We Come!!!

27 December 2013

spiritual goals 2014

1.  Continue in BSF Leadership
2.  Teach a Sunday School Class

relational goals 2014

1.  Go on @ least 8 {Extended} Family Outings/Adventures throughout the year.
 2.  Go on an Adventurous Date Night {once a month} with Jeremiah - we must go somewhere and/or do something that we have never done before.
3.  Read @ least 6 Classic Books with Jeremiah this Year

financial goals 2014

1.  Sell our Car
2.  Purchase a new{er} car and {pay cash}
3.  Save 3-6 months {Living Expenses} into a Setback/Savings Account
4.   Purchase Our Passports

physical goals 2014

1.  Run @ least 6 {5K} Races this Year
2.  Ride our Mountain Bikes @ least once a week during the {good weather} months.
3.  Eat less processed foods and more clean eating/whole foods.
