Milestone Birthday

24 December 2013

My birthday was last week and I turned 35 years old. I can't believe how quickly time flies!!!  I am still so young - but I like to think deeply (birthday's seem to draw it out more). Hahaha

I'm finding that with each precious day that I live - it's about so much more than me. It's about Jesus. I don't mean to be "churchy or cute" with these words. I say them with deep thought and conviction. Every day, every birthday, ever breath is about pointing people to Him. I pray that my life is a reflection of Jesus. I'm thankful that he's molding me into His image and taking away part of my nasty, selfish nature with each passing day. He's a gracious God, who's blessed me with a loving and fun companion.   I'm so grateful that I've been given Jeremiah. He's so precious to me. 

I love that he embraces my silly side and buys me birthday gifts that reflect part of my personality and quirkiness. He's so fun to live this awesome life with!  

35 years old!!!  Wow!
