The Classics

30 December 2013

So, I went to {The Friendly Bookstore} today to pick up the classics...  I thought I would purchase the books there {in order to save money} & to help meet another one of our goals this year: Save 3-6 months living expenses into a setback.

I was able to purchase 7 books (yes I'm an over-achiever, my goal was 6... Hahaha) for $13.00!!!

I asked the sweet lady to point me in the right direction & then I looked over what was available. 

These are the 6 books that I ended up selecting:

1. To Kill A Mockingbird
2.  The Scarlet Letter
3.  A Christmas Carol
4.  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
5.  The Way West
6.  Pilgrim's Progress

I guess I felt super smart or inspired {I'm not sure which it was) but I bought The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson.  

All in all, it was a fun time at the bookstore and now, I am all-set to do some classic reading in 2014.

BTW - when I told Jeremiah that I thought we should read some "classics" this year, he wasn't quite as excited as I was. Hahahaha!!!  Looks like I might be on my own with this new year goal - only time will tell.
