Snowy Day In Durango

10 October 2013

We woke up this morning and the weather was calling for snow north of Durango and rain showers in Durango.  We decided to eat brunch at Denny's and head to Farmington, NM where it wasn't raining...

We didn't make it out of Durango before it was snowing.  The further south we went, the more the snow turned to rain. We got to Farmington, NM and it was still raining and there was nothing really to do.  So, we decided to head back...

Jeremiah got off of the {beaten} path for about 30 minutes.  He was looking for wild life to photograph. We ended up having to back track to Aztec, NM where we hopped back onto the highway just in time to see the highway patrol, EMS, and road crew cleaning up the remains of a massive mud slide.  I was so thankful that we had taken the detour in search of Mule Deer. Thank you Lord for your protection!!!!

We ended up at an A & W along Highway 550.  It was so fun because we placed our order via: telephone. Hahahaha. 

Jeremiah got a Root Beer Float!!!

It was overflowing when it arrived... 

We had a good time and then on the road again...

We were on the outskirts of Durango around 5 pm when we started to see lots and lots of Mule Deer...

Jeremiah was such a happy guy.  We stopped and photographed tons of Deer {most of which were bucks}. 

What started out a {little bit of a} bummer day, ended up being really memorable.

Here's a {picture of a picture} that we just took!!! 
