San Juan National Forest

11 October 2013

We went to the Goulding Trail today in the San Juan National Forest. 

As you can tell, we were in high elevations because there was still snow covering everything. We made our way to the trailhead and started out on our adventure. 

Be sure and look for Jeremiah in the photo below...  It's kinda like Where's Waldo!!!

We weren't into the trail very long before I was so grateful that Jeremiah insisted I buy some hiking boots at REI on our way to Durango. We bought some Vasque Boots that were on a huge mark-down and I was SO grateful that we did. 

The trail was cold and full of thick snow on the way up. We knew another person was on the trail because we followed their tracks.  Other than that, we were the only other crazy people hiking in those conditions!

We saw two Mule Deer and Jeremiah was able to get a good shot of them {with the camera} bedded down in the snowy earth. 

As we began back down the mountain, the snow was starting to melt and it was dropping all around us. It was like someone pouring a {slushy} on your head about every 10 yards. The trail turned into a slippery playground full of slush and mud. 

It was a beautiful day in the San Juan Mountains. It would have been perfect had the fog lifted or if we were on a slightly shorter mountain that wasn't so high in the clouds. Hahahaha 

This view is from the base of the mountain - where we started at the trailhead. By the time we got back to the car the fog had lifted {ever so much} so we could see a little bit of the view. 

