Little Rock 10K ~ Results

06 March 2013

... and boy-oh-boy did they ever {Welcome the World}.  I knew there were going to be 1,000's of people there, but I never imagined how packed it was going to be. 

Jeremiah was kind enough to stick with me before the race.  The race began at 8:00 am but we were so far back in the crowd it took us 20+ minutes to get to the start-line.

Our chips were all laced up and ready to go... I went ahead and carried my iphone the entire race to keep my {RunKeeper} going - just in case the computer didn't read my chip as I passed through the start gate.  I also wanted to keep it with me because I wanted to make sure that I was keeping {at least} a 12:30 pace throughout the entire course. 

I felt so great through the entire run.  For the 1st 2miles you are literally bobbing & weaving through people trying to get in a rhythm.  There are people walking, jogging slower than you, running faster than you, so it was crazy just trying to claim your piece of the road.  Literally, 2 miles into it, I finally got in groove and was able to start focusing on my pace.  It was awesome!!!!

6.2 miles came and went.  I felt great!  I felt well hydrated.  I was keeping a great pace.  I was inspired by so many people around me.  I felt like I could have kept going.  When I saw the 6 mile marker I decided to start sprinting.  I think I started a little soon because .2 miles started to feel like a marathon.  Hahaha!  So, I backed down again until I could see the finish line.  Once my eyes met the Finish I picked up my sprint again and gave it all that I had in me.  It was so exhilerating and freeing.  Wow!!!  I was LIVING LIFE!!!  I was living in FREEDOM!!! 

Bib Number: 10106
Division: Women 30-34
Division Placement: 65/125
Sex Placement: 349/876
Time: 1:14:02
Pace: 11:57

The results thrilled me.  My goal was to run a 12:13 pace - I shaved off 15 seconds per mile.  Not only did I complete the 10K {without walking} but I set a new PR {personal record}!!!

Jeremiah did absolutely awesome and set a new PR!!!  He finished the 10K in less than 1 hour & was in the top 100 to complete the race!!!

Bib Number: 10109
Division: Men 30-34
Division Placement: 16/55
Sex Placement: 86/366
Time: 57:06
Pace: 9:13
