1 day away

02 March 2013

So, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous...  The Little Rock 10K is tomorrow and when I start to think about it I get butterflies in my stomach. 
I was reading the rules and regulations and they say that they {prefer} that you not wear headphones.  What?  Did I read that right? 
Oh NO!  I have been training with headphones.  I have to wear headphones.  They {drown out} my breathing!  If I see other people around me wearing them, I am going to wear them... Fingers - Crossed!!!!

 So, I received the nicest card in the mail this week from my sister-in-law.  It really encouraged me and so I thought I would share it with you...
Again - this is for all of you who think you can't...  Please, know that with JESUS you can! 
He wants you to live in VICTORY...
He wants you to live in FREEDOM...
He want you to SUCCEED....
