Lucky Little Rock 10K

08 February 2013

Please don't be fooled... I am not running a Marathon or a 1/2 Marathon....
I am, however, registered for the Lucky Little Rock 10K.  Jeremiah and I got online last week and finally registered.  We have been training for it since December and are now officially on the books...
It is amazing to see how far God has brought me over the last few years, months, days... I would have never dreamt that I would be running, let alone, a 10K.  I am completely blown away by the Lord and how He continues to work on me even through my failures, my sin and my disobedience.  He is faithful and His mercy endures forever.
I have lost a lot of ground over the years, following my own way of living.  But I am thankful that His mercy is new every morning.  Today, I get another opportunity to live the life that He wants for me.  A healthy life, a fun life, a life full of freedom.  Freedom that can only be found in one place - Jesus Christ.  Freedom that comes through obedience. 
I can't wait to run for Him!!!!
March 03.2013
