Emeals {Paleo}

06 February 2013

I get so tired of trying to figure out what we are going to eat for dinners that I started subscribing to Emeals and I absolutely love it. 
Since October we have been trying to eat more Paleo (completely elliminating the processed food - including the whole wheat.)  I find that even if I have it in small amounts... my body craves it more and more.  So, we've been trying life without it and I have to admit... I am loving it. 
I thought I would show some pictures of the wonderful foods that we ate {just last week}.  We are getting such great variety with our veggies and meat!  I absolutely love this plan.

Pork Loin/Roasted Sweet Potatoe & Pears
 We are looking forward to following Emeals Paleo Plan the next few months to see what kind of results we get physically, at crossfit, and with our running plan!

Egg Casserole/Kale & Red Peppers
Happy New Year and keep plugging away at those New Year Resolutions, Commitments, Life Changes, Goals, you know, whatever you want to call them!!!   

Tuna & Olive Oil/Grilled Egg Plant
