2013 Goals

04 February 2013

For the last several years I haven't given any thought/prayer to New Year goals.  I was probably afraid that I would fail - so it was easier to not set any.  Sad... I know!!!
Well, this year was different.  I started thinking about them in December and really wanted to give the new year some serious prayer.  What does God want me to do in 2013?  How can I best be used in 2013?  Where does He want me to serve?
Well, I came up with a list and I thought I would share it with you.  I have already began many of the items on the list and have completed a few already {and it's only February!!!} 

Spiritual Goals 2013

2. Go on a mission trip with Jeremiah {can even be a local mission}.
3. Go back into BSF Leadership {After the Study of Moses}.
4. Teach a Sunday School Class.

Relational Goals 2013

1.  Have church couples in our home @ least 6 times throughout the year.
2.  Watch our nieces and nephew @ least 6 times (overnight) to give their parents a date night.
3.  Go to Durango, CO with Jeremiah to Celebrate our 10 year Anniversary.

Financial Goals 2013

1.  Sell our house and by a less expensive house/fixer-upper.
2.  Pay off student loans.

Physical Goals 2013

1.  Run a 10K.
2.  Run a 1/2 Marathon.
3.  Eat less processed foods and more clean eating/whole foods.
I plan on taking a look at this list every couple months to see how I am progressing.  Lord, please help me to be intentional this year.  Please help me to accomplish these goals - for the Glory of Yourself.  Please Lord, help 2013 to be filled with purpose and victory!!!
