Say Goodbye

21 January 2013

Last Monday's 4 mile run was a complete blast... I have to admit that I didn't think I was going to be able to do it.  That dreaded word "Fear" snuck in again and I started to second guess myself. 

As I got to mile 3 my legs felt really heavy and tight.  My RunKeeper was telling me that I was at 3.01 miles and my mind was saying, "You can't do this.  You've never run this far before.  You are a failure.  You're not a runner."

And then, this awesome song came on my ipod.  I absolutely love this song.  It is my 2013 Theme song (I had a 2012 Theme song by Mandisa too!!!  I'll share that on another post...Heehaw)

I don't know what it is about this girl - but I am diggin' her lyrics.  I thought I would share it with you.  For all of you women (or men) who feel like you can't do ________ - this is the song for you.   

Listen to these awesome words... Get inspired... Be the girl that God made you to be...

"This is what Love wants to say, "Say Goodbye...""
"You don't have to give into the fear.  You don't have to let your story stop here..."
"...Here's your moment..."
"Everything that breaks you down, doesn't have to define you now.  Jesus came to take it all away..."
"This is where it starts..."

Funny thing, mile 4 was my best pace... I did it and I finished strong!!!
