Halloween 2012

31 October 2012

It was such a fun night seeing all of our nieces and nephew!  It is fun being able to spoil them with Giant Size Candy Bars..
Jordan was Paul {a prisoner of the Lord Jesus}.  It was so funny, Angie made his costume and it said, "Department of Corrections Philipi" on the back...

  Alissa was a Ballerina... I could not get her to stand still... She was twirling and twirling... It's a wonder she didn't get sick.

Maddie was a Southern Belle... By the time they got to our house she had taken off her bonnet but she still wanted to show me her curtsy...

& Emma was a Cowgirl... She looked so cute with two little braids in her hair...

What sweet little kiddos ~ they are such a joy to us!!!
