I Finally Did It

22 September 2012

1. Got online   2. Found a 5k   3.Signed up!!!

I have been wanting to do an official 5k my entire life and I keep putting it off.  I always tell myself that I will do it; someday...
Well, today is the day {not literally} but I did sign up.  HaHaHa
I found Couch to 5k Program and identify where I thought I was able to begin in the training process.  I found that I was capable of starting at week 5.  I began the program on Thursday and have ran 4 miles to date.  I plan on running on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
If you are in the Northwest Arkansas on Saturday, October 27, 2012 you should join me.

Come on, you can do it...
Go ahead, click on the program link above...
Plan your run days...
Sign Up!!!
Get off that couch...
Start Running...

You will never regret that you did.
