Moving Forward

21 August 2012

It has been a summer of growth. God has been teaching me a lot about waiting on Him. He has shown me that He wants my obedience even if nothing "tangible" is happening. (BTW - He is still at work even when we can't see the work.}

I am not sure that anything will ever come of our paperwork with DHS. But, I can rest assured that He has a GOOD and PERFECT will. I am clinging to the fact that we have asked Him for wisdom and {to the best of our knowledge} we are obeying.

I am not sure we will ever adopt a child. But I know {beyond a shadow of a doubt} that if we don't adopt a child it is because our Precious Savior wanted it to be that way. I CAN TRUST HIM.
So, we are moving ahead with our life together! 
We have our paperwork submitted. We have a room ready. But we are not stalking anyone, we are not begging anyone, we are not in a panic. We are moving ahead, trusting our Lord.
God is giving me a renewed contentment in Him. He is healing my grief and making me satisfied in Him. I can't describe the joy that I have in our Savior. I am thankful that He has chosen Jeremiah and I "...for such a time as this..."
We do not feel sorry for ourselves. Instead, we count it a privilege that He is taking us to the deep. Deeper than we ever thought we could go. I am thankful to Him.  
