Let's Eat Clean

12 May 2012

So, It's time to get the eating under control.  It's amazing how many changes have happened through CrossfitNWA without much focus on my diet - but I am now at a stand-still.

I feel stronger and healthier than I have in my ENTIRE life.

It's time for me to start looking how I feel!  It's time to look strong, healthy and fit.  

I have been doing some research and looking around online and found a great blog He and She Eat Clean.   I talked to Jeremiah about it and he said "I'm on board"... so, today I went shopping and did LOTS of chopping.  We are going to officially start an eating clean lifestyle... I have our eating plan lined out for the week and I have TONS of items on hand so the week will be a success.

I wanted to document this decision because I am hoping that this is the first day of the rest of our lives.  I am excited to take care of the bodies that the Lord has given us.  I am excited to see what kind of progress we will both make {together} in the weeks ahead.   
