Friday Facts

11 May 2012

I thought I would take the time to give out the facts since Jeremiah and I began Crossfit 3 years ago...

Neck:  -0.5"
Upper Arm: -0.5"
Forearm:  -0.75
Wrist: -0.0"
Finger: -0.0"
Bust: -5.0"
Chest: -4.25"
Area Above Waist: -4.0"
Waistline: -6.0"
Abdomen: -2.5"
Hips: -6.0"
Upper Thigh: -2.5"
Calf: -1.0"
Ankle: -0.5"

Total Inches Lost: 33.50 in
Total Weight Lost: 38.6 lbs

I'm excited for the progress that I have made so far. But I feel like it's time to get my eating under control.  I honestly haven't paid much attention to my diet {or been consistent} since joining Crossfit.  We workout hard and feel like I give very little effort or attention to what I am consuming.  I am ready for my eating habits to step up a notch so that I can see changes...
