Sunday Blessings | 03.31 - 04.06
07 April 2019
We had the privilege of beginning our week at Dr. DeChamp's office where we got to see our baby girl! She is growing so much as she is being perfectly formed by her Creator.
Lydia is weighing in at 2 1/5 pounds!!! Her vitals are wonderful and she appears to be perfectly healthy. We are so grateful that everything is going well and she is developing just as she should.
My sister ended up having to have an outpatient procedure this week so Jordan and Alissa got to spend the evening with us! We had fun roasting marshmallows and spending time outside together. Jeremiah built us a warm fire and the kids each took turns telling us scary stories!!!
My mom, sister, and best friend threw our first Baby Shower. It was so much fun! There were over 40 people there. It was overwhelming to see the amount of love that so many people have for our sweet baby girl. God has answered the prayers of so many wonderful friends on our behalf. It's humbling and joyous in ways that are hard to comprehend.
If you’ve stumbled across this site – stick around. I don’t believe anything happens by chance and you might just find something that you enjoy. I may not have a lot to offer you – but I promise I will give you my heart.