Sunday Blessings | 03.24 - 03.30
31 March 2019
Jeremiah and I started our childbirth classes at Mercy this week. As we made our way into the hospital, a wave of emotions flooded my soul. I cried as I took a photo of this powerpoint slide! It's hard to comprehend that God has granted the desire of my heart. I am overwhelmed by this great act of grace.
I am 27 weeks pregnant. We finished our walk around Lake Atalanta and I asked Jeremiah to snap a photo. It feels like we don't have much time before Lydia will be in our arms. I am excited about meeting her, but I have enjoyed holding her in my womb. I know this is a feeling that I will forever cherish.
We have spent this week finalizing the nursery. We tried to use things that we already own and re-purpose as much as possible. I ended up splurging on this little felt mobile because I loved it so much and have purchased this [Bed Skirt] from Serena and Lily. It isn't here yet, but I keep checking the mail for its arrival.
My sister and I both found these beautiful cradles underneath our Christmas Tree whenever we were little girls. I think I was around 7 years old and Angie was around 10 years old whenever my dad made them for us. We each had one for our baby doll and have both held onto these little treasures since that time.
We spent Sunday afternoon sanding and getting it ready for a fresh coat of paint! I can't wait to have Lydia's newborn photo made in it! It will be a cherished treasure for years to come.
If you’ve stumbled across this site – stick around. I don’t believe anything happens by chance and you might just find something that you enjoy. I may not have a lot to offer you – but I promise I will give you my heart.