Song of Solomon 2:4-11

01 March 2019

[2:4-11] The Shulamite was brought to the Jerusalem Palace by the bridegroom.  They had a personal relationship; the King cherished the Bride.  The King is satisfied to strengthen and refresh the Bride.  He is the protector and provider for the one that he loves. 

In verse 8, the Shulamite hears her lover coming home.  She recognized his voice.  The King is leaping over the mountains, bounding over the hills.  This is a picture of a joy-filled return.    He is excited to see his bride; looking forward to being with her.  The lovers were at a distance from one another.  The King looked at the bride through the window and called to her.  He asked her in Song of Solomon 2:10, “… Rise up, my darling!  Come away with me, my fair one!”  He calls her to come away with him.  The sorrow of winter is gone.
