Colossians 3:22-4:18

25 March 2019

[3:22-4:18] Verse 23 says, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”  Whenever you work, work as unto the Lord.  Don’t be lazy on your job but perform your job with enthusiasm.  Whenever believers perform their job in this way, they give Jesus Christ the preeminence in their lives.  Employees must be just and fair to their workers.  Paul reminds the Christian employee that they have a Master in heaven. 

Prayer should be done with an alert mind full of thanksgiving!  Paul wanted to know that the believers in Colosse were praying for him as he proclaimed the message of Jesus Christ. He encourages the church to walk in wisdom.  He reminds them that their conversations with non-believers should be gracious and attractive.  This is very important so we don’t say something that we will regret and cause more harm than good. 

Verse 7-18 is a list of believers that Paul knew and loved.  He spoke well of each of these believers who knew Christ because of Paul’s ministry. 

  • Tychicus – Pastor of the church in Ephesus
  • Onesimus – Slave of Philemon in Colosse who became a brother of Philemon instead of a slave
  • Aristarchus – A fellow prisoner with Paul
  • Mark – Barnabus’ cousin
  • Justus – A Jewish Christian in the Colossian Church
  • Epaphras – A servant of Christ, the pastor in Colosse who is now in prison [a prayer warrior]
  • Luke – The beloved doctor
  • Demas – Fellow worker with Paul who later forsakes Paul
  • Archippus – The one to carry out the ministry that the Lord gave him. 

Paul closes the letter by making sure they understood that he needed prayer while he was in chains.  He asks God’s grace to be with the Christians in Colosse.  
