Colossians 1:1-14

12 March 2019

[1:1-14] Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God.  Paul was in the will of God when he was serving Christ as an apostle.  The faithful brothers and sisters are believers in Jesus Christ.  Those people in Colosse who are set-apart in Christ.  Paul asks God to offer grace and peace to the Colossian church.

Paul always prays and thanks God for the believers in Colosse.  He knows that they have a strong faith [based on historical fact] in Christ Jesus, love [in the present] for God’s people and hope [for the future] of what God has reserved for them in heaven.  These three attributes were a part of their life because they were deeply rooted in the truth of the Gospel.  Paul encourages the Colossian believers that the Gospel was reaching the entire world.  He reminds them that the Gospel causes believers to bear fruit by changing lives. 

Epaphras was the pastor at the church in Colosse.  Paul spoke very highly of Epaphras in verse 7, “You learned about the Good News from Epaphras, our beloved co-worker.  He is Christ’s faithful servant, and he is helping us on your behalf.” 

Paul prays for the Colossian believers; asking God:

1.  That they would have knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of His will
2.  That their conduct will honor and please the Lord
3.  That their lives will produce every kind of good fruit
4.  That they would grow to know God better and better
5.  That they would be strengthened by His power with endurance and patience
6.  That they would be filled with joy

Then Paul thanks God in verses 12-14 that the Colossian believers currently have:

1.  An inheritance
2.  Been rescued from the kingdom of darkness
3.  Been transferred into the Kingdom of God
4.  Freedom through Jesus Christ
5.  Their sins are forgiven 
