Ecclesiastes 12

19 February 2019

[12] Solomon tried to find satisfaction in life through nature, philosophy, pleasure, materialism, fatalism, egoism, religion, wealth, and morality.  In chapter 12, Solomon realizes that life apart from God is meaningless. 

He encourages the reader to honor God in their youth.  He warns to honor God before:
- eyes grow older
- legs tremble
- shoulders stoop
- teeth stop grinding
- eyes see dimly
- life’s opportunities are closed
- work fades
- wake up early in the morning by the sound of the birds
- sounds grow faint
- fearful of falling
- worry about danger in the streets
- hair turns white
- energy like a dying grasshopper
- no longer have sexual desires
- near the grave
- spinal cord snaps
- head is broken
- lungs are smashed
- heart is broken
- man returns to the dust of the earth and the spirit returns to God

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “That’s the whole story.  Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty.  God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.”
