Jude 1:8-13

10 August 2018

[8-13] Jude is making a bold proclamation that false teachers will be judged.  Michael [one of the mightiest of the Angels] was submissive to God and bowed before the Lord.  He was completely different than Satan [who wanted to be God and chose to live completely independent of God and rebel against God].  Michael chose to [let the Lord rebuke Satan]. 

Jude makes very clear what a false teacher [apostate] character traits are:
[Vs. 8] They are dreamers who don’t face reality but try and ignore it. 
[Vs. 8] They defile the flesh, living immoral lives as they did in Sodom and Gomorrah. 
[Vs. 8] They reject authority.  They don’t want to have any consequences for their behavior.  They want everyone to be able to do whatever feels right in their own eyes and resist any type of authority. 
[Vs. 8] They scoff [make fun of or mock] at supernatural things [that they cannot comprehend].
[Vs. 11] They are like Cain, they are religious but deny redemption through Jesus Christ.  They try to form their own way to God. [Genesis 4]
[Vs. 11] They are like Balaam, they compromise; using flattery and deceitfulness to feed their greed or desire. [Numbers 22]
[Vs. 11] They are like Korah, they die in their own rebellion. [Numbers 16]
[Vs. 12] They are like a dangerous reef or iceberg, something is hidden beneath the water that can shipwreck even the mightiest of vessels.
[Vs. 12] They are like a shepherd who cares only for himself and not the welfare of the sheep.
[Vs. 12] They are like clouds that don’t produce rain.
[Vs. 12] They are like dead trees that bear no fruit and are easily pulled up by the root.
[Vs. 13] They are like sea foam; churning up their evil deeds.

[Vs. 13] They are like wandering stars, doomed to blackness forever [cursed to eternal separation from God, the Father of Light because they are evil, sinful and unredeemed].
