Galatians 1:11-24

04 July 2018

[1:11-24] Paul’s message was not based on human reasoning.  Paul’s message was given to Paul by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.  Paul reminds that Galatians what he was like whenever he followed the Jewish religion.  He reminds the believers that he persecuted God’s church and that he tried his best to destroy the church.  He emphasizes how much he used to love Jewish tradition and the law. 

Paul talks about the marvelous grace of God that chose and called him.  It pleased God to reveal Jesus to Paul so that Paul could share The Gospel to the Gentiles [people that are not part of the Jewish race].  He makes it very clear that He did not consult with the apostles but received his message from God.  He clarifies that it was three years later whenever he met Peter and James.  He tells how he traveled north to Syria and Cilicia and the believers in those regions had heard his testimony [he used to persecute believers but is now preaching the very faith he tried to destroy].  The believers praised God for the testimony of Paul.
