He is Fathful

15 January 2014

After all the doctor visits and tests it looks like I will be having surgery soon. The Doctor in Tulsa confirmed what my Doctor in NWA found. I have what they believe to be a fibroid tumor that is causing my lower back/right side flank pain.

They both recommend having it removed and my Doctor in NWA would rather a specialist do the procedure.  So, looks like we will be headed to Tulsa to have it done. The Tulsa Doctor felt very confident in his work and that I would have good recovery post-op.  He told us a 6 week recovery so it looks like some shuffling around to make everything work. 

God is so good to give us the flexibility that we need and the courage to trust Him through everything. I keep thinking of a passage in Isaiah that says, "...He will hold you with His righteous right hand."  I am trusting Jesus to help get us through this.  I can have confidence in the Lord that there is purpose in ALL things. 

He is Faithful!!
