For I Am With You

28 January 2014

Well, by God's goodness the details all fell into place and it's surgery day. I've been making phone calls, re-arranging my schedule {my clients have been understanding and gracious.}

Jeremiah's been approved for sick time {he'll be with me until February 20th}. Its such a blessing to have him by my side in the days ahead. 

I've never had surgery before so I have been very nervous about the anesthesia. I know it sounds funny {considering these men do this every single day} but I've been asking The Lord to help me be able to come out of surgery and continue to be used by Him.  

I slept {very little} last night as I was worried. I know that's not very good to worry about things.  I was trying to trust God, but at some points in the night it felt like I was pleading with Him. I was begging Him to let my life have significance. I was repeating that verse out of Isaiah, "... I will hold you with my righteous right hand."  I was trying to focus on things I know are true. And I know He is Faithful to hold me..

As we were driving to the hospital my sweet friend from BSF sent me a text. It said, 

Isaiah 41:10 "Do not be afraid for I am with you. Do not be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you with my righteous right hand"

I started crying. That is what I had been trying to quote all week.  I never took the time to look up the passage. I  read it about 20x over and over again as we drove to the hospital. By the time we got to the door I had it memorized and was quoting it over and over again in my mind and heart. 

I have peace.  I know that God is in control. I know that I do not have to be afraid. 
