It's time to fight!!!

02 December 2013

So, last year at this time I was running, motivated, eating healthy and doing great.  A setback happened this spring when I injured my ankle and began to lose motivation.

It's amazing how quickly my body and mind became defeated!  Well, I've been floating bye, unmotivated and undisciplined and it has caught up with me (once again). 

Part of me is ashamed and too scared to make a commitment and the other part of me wants to keep fighting and live in victory!  In so thankful that The Lord keeps convicting me and calling me to push on, even when I refuse to listen. 

So, today I begin anew.  Today, I begin the battle again and will push past my defeated self and live the victorious life I have been redeemed to live!!!

Please note that this victory only comes through Jesus Christ and the power that he gives to fight sin, temptation, complacency, fear, defeat, and lies...  

