a look back & forward

03 December 2013

well, 2013 is almost behind us.  we have one month left and then 2014 is here!!!  I thought i would take some time to look back at last years goals and start to think about 2014 and what will be in store.  It's bitter-sweet to see this.  some things, I have done well... other things... not so much:

spiritual goals 2013

2. Go on a mission trip with Jeremiah {can even be a local mission}.
3. Go back into BSF Leadership {After the Study of Moses}.
4. Teach a Sunday School Class.

relational goals 2013

1.  Have church couples in our home @ least 6 times throughout the year.
2.  Watch our nieces and nephew @ least 6 times (overnight) to give their parents a date night.
3.  Go to Durango, CO with Jeremiah to Celebrate our 10 year Anniversary.

financial goals 2013

1.  Sell our house and by a less expensive house/fixer-upper.
2.  Pay off student loans.

physical goals 2013

1.  Run a 10K.
2.  Run a 1/2 Marathon.
3.  Eat less processed foods and more clean eating/whole foods.

I am very proud (in so many ways) that we have been able to accomplish so much this year.  The Lord has been gracious to us and allowed us to sell our home, gifted us with a much nicer home with a reduced mortgage (thank you Beck!), allowed us to throw tons of money at student loans and get them paid off!!!  Hallelujah!!!, allowed me to run a 10K, be able to enjoy 2 weeks in Colorado with Jeremiah to celebrate 10 wonderful years of marriage, and to be able to step back into leadership @ BSF during the study of Matthew!

Overall, its been a great year!  After looking everything over, I feel that some of these goals need to spill over into 2014.  It would be nice to accomplish some of these in 2014 as well...

What about you?
What are your goals for 2014?
What does the Lord want you to be doing with your time?  Your Talents?
When you look back a year from now, what will you have accomplished?
