
08 October 2013

We drove to Silverton, Colorado today. Elevation there is 9,381 feet. It's a beautiful town nestled in a valley of Colorado mountains. 

We stopped in at {Grumpy's} for lunch. They had an upright piano and a girl played it while we ate lunch. It was a nice Western touch. 

It felt like we stepped back into time.  It felt like we were in the old west. 

Silverton was a mining town.  Bet ya can't guess what they were mining for!?!?!?

Jeremiah was ready to get up into the hills so after lunch we went climbing. We climbed up a mountain that had a statue to {Christ for the Miners}.  It was a monument that was erected to celebrate the safety of all miners that were involved in a flood in 1978.

The Animas River flooded the mine in 1978 and all the miners survived. It was pretty interesting.  

The Aspen trees were totally amazing in Silverton and on the drive to Silverton. The leaves have changes later this year than other years, due to the massive amounts of rain they have gotten in Colorado.  The further north we went {towards Silverton} the more beautiful they were. 

We also bought our #10 charm!!!  Each year on our anniversary we buy a charm to commemorate the year. Something that helps us remember what happened that year. This year we bought a train. This train will help us remember our trip to Durango and Silverton in honor of our 10 year anniversary. 
