Allow me to {Fill You In}

02 May 2011

God has been moving in a multitude of ways over the past several months and I though I would fill you in on what I will now be calling...

{Our Adoption Journey}

08/12/2010 - DHS Meeting

09/15/2010 - James 1:27 - It's time for us to pursue adoption

10/06/2010 - Isaiah 6:8-13 - Here am I, send me... it's time to finish our DHS paperwork and turn it in... Do whatever God asks of us... He will equip us... seek the Lord about adoption, not whether we should do it, but when we should do it!

10/13/2010 - He will give peace to sustain us until we minister through adoption

01/26/2011 - Isaiah 40:12-17 - He is showing us the compassion the Creator has for the mankind... for the orphan

01/30/2011 - Isaiah 40:21-26 - He knows the stars by name... not one of them is missing... our children are not missing from Him... He knows them by name!

02/16/2011 - Isaiah 45:1-13 - He is faithful to do the best for us... He is sovereign and it makes us thankful for our situation... He cares about the details, the things unknown to us but known to Him.

02/23/2011 - Isaiah 47:8-11 - I am a wanton creature lounging in my security... I say I want to do the will of God but deep down I want Him to align Himself with my plan... BSF Question - Who does He intend to redeem through the future events of my life?

03/02/2011 - The nation of Israel had to step out of their comfort zone and step into faith... We must step out of our comfort zone and into God's will... we must complete DHS paperwork... take one step of faithful obedience... we must obey!

03/09/2011 - What am I praying about right now that I am totally helpless to bring about on my own? God has answered and I have disobeyed... He is waiting on me.

04/06/2011 - Isaiah 58:6-7 - Apply for adoption... I am at a complete standstill with my relationship to God because of disobedience.

04/13/2011 - James 2:17 - As we develop the character of God we will naturally want to stand up for the oppressed - the Orphan... James 1:27 - we will take personal responsibility for the needs of the oppressed

04/16/2011 - Lunch with Matt and Alicia Moyer (church friends who "happened" to be at the DHS meeting in August when we were there... they have already submitted their paperwork and been through all of their classes!)

04/17/2011 - The song Hosanna brings me to my knees in complete submission to God... "Heal my heart and make it clean, Open up my eyes to the things unseen, Show me how to love like you have loved me, Break my heart for what breaks yours, Everything I am for your Kingdoms cause, As I go from nothing into Eternity"

04/20/2011 - He is changing my heart to be broken for the orphan... He has a unique calling for me that is perfect and complete.

04/22/2011 - Jeremiah and I spend 3 hours in Chic-Fil-A finishing our adoption paperwork... we go to Office Depot in the pouring rain to make copies of the huge stack of documents... We were having so much fun!

04/25/2011 - Go the the Rogers Police Department to get our fingerprints... Drop off paperwork to DHS in Fayetteville!!!!

05/01/2011 - Receive a text at 3:00pm from Annette Jean (BSF friend) that Russell Moore, author of "Adopted for Life" is at CrossChurch for a Q&A at 4:30pm...  Jeremiah and I hop in the car and head over... great time of encouragement and affirmation.
